Matthew Li

ASA, MAAA, Associate Actuary/Chief Programmer

Matthew has 24 years of experience working with health and welfare plans.

His experience includes health benefit pricing, projection modeling, monitoring reports, benchmarking reports, risk score analysis, business intelligence, machine learning, Cheiron's Time/Billing System, and miscellaneous web applications and IT projects. He also develops Cheiron's procedures for handling individual claims databases. 

Matthew thinks visually and is often sought after for his ability to transform rows of dense data into charts, graphs and other images.

He joined Cheiron in January 2006.

He received a Bachelors of Science in Computer Sciences from Virginia Tech in 2000 and a Graduate Certificate in Actuarial Sciences from George Mason University in 2006. He is an Associate of the Society of Actuaries, a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and is working towards a Fellowship in the Society.

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